Life lessons

Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you .

Friday, October 26, 2012

Vedic Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology is that branch of Astrology dealing with Health. The 12 Signs of the Zodiac are linked to the Twelve Limbs of the body. The Ascendant rules the Head and the 12th House, the Feet. The Law of Correspondences of Classical Philosophy has another term "The Doctrine of Signatures". This doctrine states that objects - animate and inanimate - are governed by planets and Classical Astrology has taken this concept beyond "The Law of Cause and Effect" and has defined it as Archetypal or Psychological.

Reflections of the intrinsic qualities of the planets can be seen in people, plants, animals & minerals. All that we see, touch, consume & harvest has a correspondence. By knowing our own planetary signature, we can consume those materials which correspond to our planetary signature and thus a healthy balance can be maintained. (In my horoscope, Jupiter is posited in Cancer and hence powerful in positional as well as directional strength. If I am afflicted by any sort of disease, the escape route is the Jupiterian Way - viz consuming more vegetables and fruits, as he rules fruits and vegetables. If I do that, I will be implementing what the Great Seers said long ago "Naturopathic food is medicine and medicine is food" )!

Since the Zodiacal Signs represent the Five Elements (Ether, Fire, Air, Earth & Water), the ancient astrological savants assigned everything in the Universe to a planetary ruler, and considered all as the manifestation of the Elemental Five and their respective qualities - hot and dry, cold and dry, hot and humid, cold and humid. Jupiter rules "Kapha" and the Sun "Pitta" (the three humors of Ayurveda). These elements were understood in a physical & metaphysical sense, as per the principle "As Above, So Below". Many body constitutions are defined in Ayurveda. The Phlegmatic (predominance of Kapha), the Bilious ( preponderance of Pitta) & the Windy (predominance of Vata). There are 4 types of Body Constitution in Western Holistic Medicine - Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric and Melancholic.

Ayurvedic Therapy
The Seven Planets correspond to the Three humours (Doshas) in Ayurveda

In the Ayurvedic Model, the Seven Revolving Heavens are classified thus (Vatam Pittayutha Karothi Dinakrith)

Jupiter Kapha
Sun Pitta
Moon Vata & Kapha
Mars Pitta
Mercury Pitta, Vata & Kapha
Venus Vata & Kapha
Saturn Vata

The seven planets correspond to the Seven Gross Tissue - elements (dhatus) thus

Jupiter Fat
Saturn Veins &
Mars Bone Marrow
Sun Bones
Moon Blood
Mercury Skin
Venus Seminal Energy

By analysing the horoscope, the astrologer can discern the badly placed planet and the corresponding Dhatu which has caused the problem and can prescribe Ayurvedic remedial measures ("Dushthithasyadi Dhatustho Rogeenam Roga Eeryatham")

Medical Astrology's perspective about the 12 Houses of the Zodiac

House Organ
First House Head
Second House Face
Third House Throat
Fourth House Heart
Fifth House Place beneath the heart
Sixth House Stomach
Seventh House Generative Organ
Eighth House Upper Thigh
Ninth House Thigh
Tenth House Knee
Eleventh House Calf
Twelfth House Feet

If the 6 H is afflicted, there can be digestive tract disorders. Natural malefics in the 6 H may create hyperacidity and gas trouble. Affliction either to the 7th house means disorders of the digestive tract, hyperacidity and gas trouble (Papa Saptamagah Tadodara Ruja). The same holds good for the 6 H (Papa Shashtagatha Tadodararuja). If the 6 H or the 7 H is afflicted, one should be very careful about the body's acidity level. The body's PH value should be kept at 7. Anything less than 7 is dangerous. The 80% alkaline nature of the body should be kept up & acidity should not be above 20%. The best foods to be taken are Vedic Foods, which are low acidity, low cholesterol diet.The Acidity - Alkalinity ratio should be kept at 80% -20%. That ratio can be maintained if you consume 100 grams fruits and 300 grams vegetables daily and avoid non-natural food. Natural foods are alkaline and non-veg basically acidic. From experience, it can be discerned that not only malefic planets bring in problems from enemies, but also problems to the stomach (Pape Shashtopagathe Vrina Bhayaschora Satru Peeda Cha).

If the 12 H is afflicted by malefic planets, there can be affliction to the feet. We have seen many a patient suffering from 12 H affliction and which manifests as problems on the feet.

Similarly, 4 H affliction means trouble to the Heart. I knew one patient with heart problem who had the North Node in the Fourth. He had a heart surgery. The North Node in the Heart region in the horoscope had effectuated this problem.

There are some astrologers who take this from the Horoscope of the Cosmic Man, that is from His Ascendant Aries. This method also yields results but from our experience, we follow the dictum of Natal Astrology that it is the Ascendant of the native which is the head and the Descendant the stomach region. I know many an astrologer who follow this from Aries Asc & if a malefic is posited in Virgo, in the 6 H of the Kalapurusha (Cosmic Man), he predicts stomach problems for the native. (Kalanarasya Avayavath Purushanam Kalpayeth). Or if a malefic is posited in Taurus, he predicts wounds on the face for the native.

Affliction to any house indicates affliction to the corresponding part of the body. North Node - or any other malefic - in the Sixth is indicative of stomach trouble & ulceration. Fourth house affliction means that the heart is afflicted and first house affliction means that the head is afflicted. (Pape Lagnagathe Parajaya Bhaya Siroruja)

The planets correspond to the different systems of Man thus

Sun The Bone System
Moon The Circulatory System
Mars The Muscular System
Mercury The Veins
Venus The Reproductive System
Jupiter The Digestive System
Saturn The Excretory System

From experience, Vedic Medical Astrology is found to be very accurate. In my father's horoscope, he had a specific yoga for Arthritis with Jupiter in Libra Asc and Saturn in Aries. My mother has Saturn in the 12 H; she has a problem in the leg. My co-brother has Mars in the 12 H; he is suffering from some nerve problem on the feet. I personally have the North Node in the 6 H and I have hyperacidity and gas trouble (Papa Shashtagatha Tadodararuja)!

Ayurvedic Gem Therapy

The following stones are prescribed in Ayurveda for specific disorders

Cancer Emerald
Allergy Hessonite
Skin Diseases Cat's Eye, Lapis Lazuli
Insomnia Pearl
Paralysis Amethyst
Nervous Blue Sapphire
Rheumatism Blue Sapphire, Ruby
Arthritis Blue Sapphire
Impotence Topaz Coral
Diabetes White Coral, Diamond, Emerald, Topaz
Liver problems Coral
Jaundice Coral, Emerald, Topaz
Hyperacidity Hessonite
Gastric Ulcer Blue Sapphire
Flatulence Jade, Lapis Lazuli
Dyspepsia Jade
Dysentry Emerald
Colic Cat's Eye
Cholera Cat's Eye, Topaz
Abdominal Complaints Emerald
Heart Troubles Diamond, Pearl, Ruby, Lapis Lazuli
Penumonia Diamond
Palpitation Topaz
Tuberculosis Blue Sapphire
Chest Pain Emerald, Ruby

Author author -
G Kumar, Vedic Astrologer & Epistemologist of & Recently he was awarded a Certificate by the Planetary Gemologists Association ( as a Planetary Gem Advisor. He has 25 years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts

Happiness and positive thinking

Happiness is attainable for each one of us. In fact, happiness is already inside us. Then, why do seem to be so unhappy at times? Most of us have the "something is wrong" syndrome, which means that we feel there is always something wrong in some area of our lives, be it work, or with the family, or in a relationship, or with our situation in life.

Does the following sound familiar?

-"I just need the perfect relationship and I'll be happy."

-"If I only had a different job, I'd feel better."

-"The problem is that my parents expect too much of me."

That is, we blame our unhappiness on anything else. In a nutshell, we create the "something is wrong" syndrome so that there is always something to fix that keeps us busy, and we can also blame something or somebody else. The idea of everything being all right is scary. In other words, we have a fear of our own success and so we "invent" problems.

What would happen if eve rything was all right? Imagine the situation for a moment. What would you then do? How would it be if you never feared anything? Perhaps at some point you realize that you feel there's always something wrong in your life and grow tired of the feeling. Perhaps you wonder how things would be if everything felt all right; perhaps you want to accept your own greatness.

There are ways to come to feel that everything is all right. One of them is acceptance.

When you accept everything that is, and you do not judge anything, you free yourself from those "This should be this way..." thoughts. That is, you abandon negative thinking for positive thinking. When you accept it all, and specially what you now judge is bad or wrong in your life, you give yourself the chance to feel that everything is all right, and feel good.

The question is: Can you be okay with it all? Even further, can you not only be okay but actually happy, perfectly fine and peaceful with it all? Then be it.


Cristina Diaz is a writer, and the editor and publisher of She has published ezines with useful and sound advice. She currently lives in London and devotes her time to transmit her knowledge through The Benefits Of Positive Thinking, and to write short fiction tales in Spanish.

Reading a Birth Chart: Looking for the Outstanding Features

Interpreting your chart as a whole is a skill that takes some time to develop and learning to read charts accurately will start to come with the more reading and practice that you do. In this article I am going to suggest what may be the most important features of a chart, to help guide you in making an overall reading. The order of this list is by no means fixed in stone; it is suggested as a guide to help you. In time you will come to your own method to get into a chart.

1. Start with the Ascendant

The Ascendant, itself symbolic of beginnings, is always a good place to start. What sign rises? This shows fundamentally how the individual approaches life and the themes they will encounter as they make their life's journey. Pay particular attention to close aspects to this point of the chart, as they will be vital in understanding the basic orientation of the individual.

2. The Chart Ruler

Next, focus on the Chart Ruler. What planet is it and what is its sign, house and aspects? This information in itself will tell you a great deal about the individual's main focus in life, where their energy is naturally oriented.

3. Consider the other angles and planets close to them

Look carefully at the Descendant, IC, and MC. Consider the signs and the rulers of these angles. These planets will be important in the life of the individual (although take secondary place behind the Chart Ruler).

Any planets that are placed within eight degrees of an angle are called angular planets. They are extremely important in a chart, and the tighter the aspect the more potent they are in the life of an individual. An angular planet on the Ascendant is particularly indicative of a planet that will play a major role in life.

4. Sun, Moon and Ascendant

Take a few minutes to consider Sun, Moon and Ascendant only. These three factors are crucial in the make-up of an individual. How do the three signs relate? Is there any link/clash in houses or by aspect?

5. Element and Mode emphasis

List out the signs of the Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. From these is there an emphasis on one element or mode? For example, a predominance of fire may suggest an individual with much vision and creativity, who views life as a mythic journey to be conquered. An emphasis on the mutable mode might suggest someone very flexible and able to accommodate change.

The lack of an element or mode is also worth noting. A lack of water for example can suggest someone who finds it hard to contact their own feelings and who may need to dig deep to get
to them. A lack of air might suggest an inability to detach and see things in a rational, logical manner; again a skill that might come with conscious effort. A lack of cardinality could show an individual who finds it hard to get going and to really start projects off.

6. Several planets in one sign or house

When there are three or more planets in a sign or house this is said to be a Stellium. This shows a particular focus of certain energy (sign) or an area of life (house) for the individual. A great deal of the person's overall dynamic may be thrust towards this focus.

7. Aspect patterns

Look at the aspect patterns in a chart. These show major relationships between the planetary cast of characters.

8. Tight aspects

Aspects that are less than one degree in a birth chart deserve special attention; these are the most powerful connections in an individual's psyche and life. They may be considered more important than looser aspects.

9. Other outstanding features

Often there may be some outstanding feature of a chart that is not part of a standard list of items to consider. Allow your intuition some rein if there is some part of a chart that leaps out at you for attention. Although you do need to filter your intuition through your knowledge and understanding to date, it is worth paying attention to any hunch you may have!

Laura Andrikopoulos is a professional astrologer from England. Visit her website for personalised reports and consultations.

This article is based on an extract from her book 'Short Guides to Serious Astrology: Beginnings', available from Amazon. Visit to view all Laura's books.

AUTHOR -By Laura Andrikopoulos

Gemini Horoscope 2013

Of all the signs Gemini is definitely the one that needs to be reminded about balance. 2013 is certainly going to give you tons of opportunities for you to find balance and to discover when you are off balance. It sounds like 2013 is going to be a challenging year for the Gemini; it is actually the year many Gemini's have been waiting for. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, a Gemini will discover the passion they have long been seeking and avoid the burnout that's been slowly creeping up on them.

Gemini Career and Work Horoscope in 2013

The last few years you've been working extremely hard at your job, as you attempt to get ahead of ahead of the rest of the group. You're ready for some real challenges in your life - who are you and what can you do. You'll have to wait a little longer, because this isn't the year for that 'big deal' in your career. This is the year when you will keep up the 'good fight' you've been fighting.

This is the year to tap into all of those skills you have tucked away and use them to the best of your ability. You are going to once again be in a phase of preparation at work, but over time you are going to enjoy the 'payoff' you've been so patiently waiting for. Don't be too quick to share your plans for the future with others. There are a few people that would like to get in your way, so just stay 'hush' about move past them stealthily in 2013.

Gemini Love and Relationship Horoscope in 2013

Gemini has never had to worry about companionship or love in their life. The Gemini has the ability to get along with almost everyone. You are always seeking out new people to meet, even when you are just out and about for the day. 2013 is going to have you facing a few more challenges than previously experienced. Yes, you can easily manage your relationships but others in your life aren't so cooperative.

Don't be surprised when you find yourself having to tell others they aren't living up to your standard and that you have to take care of yourself before you focus on others. This doesn't mean you have to evict all your relationships but it is time for you to tell those that are hindering or hurting you that you no longer want to keep them in your life. This is going to be tough for you since you never want to lose friends even if they drain you.

It's important that you save your energy for the people in your life that make you happy and support you. Those are the ones that count.

Gemini Health Horoscope in 2013

Gemini's can be really unhealthy or really healthy - perhaps this is related to the twin nature of your sign. However, you'll also need to keep an eye on it this year. This is the year the opportunity is there for you to restore your health.

A great way to accomplish this is to simply set aside some time every day to participate in something that is healthy for your body. This could be a walk that supports you physically as well as spiritually. What you do isn't important - it's about doing something you like and finding balance in your health because when you do the rest of your life will also become balanced. So take this year to focus on restoring your body's balance. You know you are

Want to know more? Read complete Gemini 2013 horoscope predictions with video

Author -

By S. Matsen

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