Life lessons

Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you .

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Benefits Of Awakening at 4:00 Am

                            NAMASTE !!


Friends i want to share my personal experience  About benefits of wakening in the morning at 

sharp  4:00 Am . This time is called BRAHAM MUHURAT In VEDIC CULTURE . Trust me you 

gain alot when you wake up on this time in the morning . There are Divine energies in this time 

and it is very clear that your morning decide your whole day .If you have strong purpose in life 

so you should Go for adding this habit in your daily Routeen . I will say keep your guts  and do it 

for 21 days and start working for your Dream you wants to be accomplished . Most of wake up 

around this time but due to laziness we goes back To bed . Going back to bed makes you more 

lazy and we feel very low with energies when we wake up . You have to make your routeen what 

you have to do during this time period . You can do Meditation for sometimes , you can affirm 

positive things to You . You can do Morning walk its very important for your good health 

.Running for few minutes with morning walk will always keep you Healthy .If you are not able to 

wake up during this time you need to go early to bed in the night . During this time universe is 

there to bless us with good health , intelligence , pure energies and Universe help us to fulfill our 

dreams . You only need to try it for 21 days once you have finish duing so for 21 days and it will

 be your daily routeen .there are a number of benefits Of wakening early specially at 4:00 am in

 the morning . Try it friend if you have not experienced this Habit yet . Trust me You will enjoy 

your life at your best .



Once you have take 21 days challenge . You can share your experience on this blog . we will 

publish it for you to make a difference in other people life .






Wednesday, August 26, 2020


                                                                 !!Namaste !!

You may have heard word LAW OF ATTRACTION often ,If Not so this Post is for you . Law of 

attraction depends on you . In spiritual way of life you can understand law of attraction easily .In 

law of attraction you attract what you want in life . let me explain you easily If you want a good life 

partner in your Life , You can start with visualizing your Thought about your partner or any other 

need you wants to be fulfilled . Start making your thought positive and focus on your aim work for 

it Like if you need good partner your heart should be open . You have to appear in that way that 

comes to attract you . You can do it with so many ways like discipline , magnetism in your 

personalty , attractive dress up and so on yes your words influence most to other people so chose it

wisely .Other way is to asking universe to manifest your dream in reality . Friends Remember with

out doing anything your Request will be rejected . Here you need to show your Love , devotion and 

toward the universe and keep your heart chakra open , in my previous posts you can find all about 

CHAKRAS . Though plays biggest role in our life as we think so shall we become . If you are 

positive person you will always see good things in your problematic situation no matter how big is

 problem you need to stay positive and always try to think of positive side in you .


                               If you have something to share on LAW OF ATTRACTION you can send

                                                      your post we will publish it with you Image .


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Does Attitude Really Worth ?

 Namaste Dear Friends To day i am Going to share some experience about !!ATTITUDE !! . Do 

you  have attitude in you so good as sometimes we need to have attitude . you have seen Lion in 

the jungle who is KING in jungle . Lion Attitude is what which makes him most power ful in the


 and Every Animal in Jungle Respect Lion even though giant Elephant Respects Lion .In jungle 

some animals Does Respect Lion due to his Attitude and some animals because of fear of Lion 

.Attitude is good thing as i have experienced in life when we need . Sometimes this is your 

Attitude which makes you different from the crowd . Dont worry If dont have Attitude you can 

live life with love in that way . Attitude, ego and Anger and jealous are very different to each 

other  . In jealous and anger we waste our energies which is always bad for us in our life 

Growth . If you have attitude so that  is a quality which you can carry with you . This is always 

your life and you can decide your way where to go and you can experience your life at its best . 

In attitude what i feel we keep above always our positive side and it does work for you . 

Sometimes Attitude can be a problem if you are not doing the process in good way and it can put 

you in trouble .Every one of us having desires and dreams in life and every one of us working for 

that . In my opinion sometimes its good to be in attitude for normal human being when needed 

Like a Lion when Lion is starving due to hunger its his Attitude and strength which makes him 

different from other Animals in life  . If you have attitude and how does you feel when you are in

 attitude way of life . 

You can share your experience in this blog we will publish it for you with your image . 


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Music Lovers Must Read This

 Namaste Friends In this post i am going to share my experience about music . we all in sometimes 

hear music its obvious and Offcource music changes your emotions and energies .we all have 

different kind of music tests as per our state of mind and love for music .

                                              !! MUSIC CAN HEAL YOU !! 

As so may test have proved that music has alot of healing power . i remember so many years back 

when some one did a test on cow for getting milk . Music was played and cow gave more milk than 

other days . Yes music can heal you . But you should be careful about music test sometimes music its

 self puts you jealous , anger and negative state of mind . so if you chose music carefully so you will 

be able to heal your self . Music has good power to heal you .

Friends in this blog You can write what kind of music you loves and we will publish your image with

 your love for music .


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