The thousand Names of Radharani
[From the Narada Pancharata] Sri Radha Sahastra-nama was originally spoken by Lord Shiva to Parvati devi, recorded in the 5th Chapter of Sri Narada Pancaratra.
Texts 1 and 2
Sri Parvati said: O lord of lords, O master of the universe, O master kind to your devotees, if you are kind to me, if you have mercy for me, then, O lord, please tell me all you have heard, the most secret of secrets in your effulgent heart.
Texts 3 and 4
O lord of lords, the transcendental thousand names of Goddess Sri Radha-gopi, which inspire pure devotional service, and which you have never told anyone, please tell to me. Why is the Goddess, who creates and destroys the universes, a gopi?
Text 5
Lord Siva said: O goddess, O queen, please hear this auspicious and very wonderful truth, which destroys sins: For Her their are neither births nor material activities.
Text 6
When Lord Hari, out of a sense of duty, performs activities (in the material world), she, desiring to be near Him, assumes many different forms.
Text 7
I have already explained why She is a gopi. O goddess, now please hear Her thousand names.
Text 8
What I have never spoken in the Tantras and what they who yearn for liberation cherish, out of love for you, I will now speak.
Text 9
Day and night this knowledge is as dear to me as life. O daughter of the mountain king, please hear and regularly chant (these thousand names) as far as you are able.
Text 10
By Her kindness Krsna, the master of Goloka, is the Supreme Master. Narada is the sage of Her thousand holy names.
Text 11
Radha, who grants the four goals of life, is said to be the Supreme Goddess. (Her thousand names follow.)
Text 11 om sri-radha radhika krsna- vallabha krsna-samyuta
Om. She is Lord Krsna's greatest worshiper (sri-radha and radhika), Lord Krsna's beloved (krsna-vallabha), and Lord Krsna's constant companion (krsna-samyuta).
Text 12vrndavanesvari krsna- priya madana-mohini srimati krsna-kanta ca krsnananda-pradayini
She is the queen of Vrndavana (vrndavanesvari), the beloved of Lord Krsna (krsna-priya), more charming than Kamadeva (madana-mohini), beautiful (srimati), Lord Krsna's beloved (krsna-kanta), and the giver of bliss to Lord Krsna (krsnananda-pradayini).
Text 13 yasasvini yasogamya yasodananana-vallabha damodara-priya gopi gopananda-kari tatha
She is famous (yasasvini and yasogamya), the beloved of Yasoda's son (yasodananana-vallabha), dear to Lord Damodara (damodara-priya), a cowherd girl (gopi), and the giver of happiness to the gopas (gopananda-kari).
Text 14 krsnanga-vasini hrdya hari-kanta hari-priya pradhana-gopika gopa- kanya trailokya-sundari
Her residence is on Lord Krsna's limbs (krsnanga-vasini). She is charming (hrdya). She is Lord Hari's beloved (hari-kanta and hari-priya), the most important gopi (pradhana-gopika), the daughter of a gopa (gopa-kanya), and the most beautiful girl in the three worlds (trailokya-sundari).
Text 15 vrndavana-vihari ca vikasita-mukhambuja gokulananda-kartri ca gokulananda-dayini
She enjoys pastimes in Vrndavana (vrndavana-vihari), Her face is a blossoming lotus (vikasita-mukhambuja), and she brings happiness to Gokula (gokulananda-kartri and gokulananda-dayini).
Text 16gati-prada gita-gamya gamanagamana-priya visnu-priya visnu-kanta visnor anga-nivasini
She gives the goal of life (gati-prada), is approached by chanting her holy names (gita-gamya), is the beloved of the omniprescent Supreme Personality of Godhead (gamanagamana-priya), is Lord Visnu's beloved (visnu-priya and visnu-kanta), and resides on Lord Visnu's limbs (visnor anga-nivasini).
Text 17 yasodananda-patni ca yasodananda-gehini kamari-kanta kamesi kama-lalasa-vigraha
She is the wife of Yasoda's son (yasodananda-patni and yasodananda-gehini), the beloved of lust's enemy (kamari-kanta), Lord Krsna's amorous queen (kamesi), and Lord Krsna's passionate lover (kama-lalasa-vigraha).
Text 18 jaya-prada jaya jiva jivananda-pradayini nandanandana-patni ca vrsabhanu-suta siva
She is the giver of victory (jaya-prada) and She is victory itself (jaya). She is life (jiva), the giver of happiness to the living entities (jivananda-pradayini), the wife of Nanda's son (nandanandana-patni), King Vrsabhanu's daughter (vrsabhanu-suta), and auspicious (siva).
Text 19 ganadhyaksa gavadhyaksa gavam gatir anuttama kancanabha hema-gatri kancanangada-dharini
She is the leader of the gopis (ganadhyaksa), the ruler of the cows (gavadhyaksa and gavam gati), and without superior (anuttama). She has a golden complexion (kancanabha), Her limbs are golden (hema-gatri), and She wears golden armlets (kancanangada-dharini).
Text 20 asoka sokorahita visoka soka-nasini gayatri vedamata ca vedatita vid-uttama
She never laments (asoka, sokorahita, and visoka), she ends lamentation (soka-nasini). She is the Gayatri mantra (gayatri), the mother of the Vedas (veda-mata), beyond the Vedas (vedatita), and the wiseset philosopher (vid-uttama).
Text 21 niti-sastra-priya niti- gatir matir abhistada veda-priya veda-garbha veda-marga-pravardhini
She is an eager student of the scriptures describing ethics (niti-sastra-priya). She is the perfect moralist (niti-gati), the most thoughtful philosopher (mati), the fulfiller of desires (abhistada), an eager student of the Vedas (veda-priya), the mother of the Vedas (veda-garbha), and the teacher of the Vedas' path (veda-marga-pravardhini).
Text 22 veda-gamya veda-para vicitra-kanakojjvala tathojjvala-prada nitya tathaivojjvala-gatrika
She is approached by Vedic study (veda-gamya). She is the supreme goal described in the Vedas (veda-para). She is splendid with wonderful golden ornaments (vicitra-kanakojjvala), glorious (ujjvala-prada), and eternal (nitya), and Her limbs are filled with glory (ujjvala-gatrika).
Text 23 nanda-priya nanda-suta- radhyanandaprada subha subhangi vimalangi ca vilasiny aparajita
She is dear to Maharaja Nanda (nanda-priya), worshiped by Nanda's son (nanda-sutaradhya), delightful (ananda-prada), beautiful (subha), with beautiful limbs (subhangi), with splendid limbs (vimalangi), playful (vilasini), and unconquerable (aparajita).
Text 24 janani janmasunya ca janma-mrtyu-jarapaha gatir gatimatam dhatri dhatranandapradayini
She is the mother of all (janani), without birth (janma-sunya), the remover of birth, death, and old-age (janma-mrtyu-jarapaha), the supreme goal of the aspiring devotees (gatir gatimatam), the mother of all (dhatri), and the giver of bliss to the Supreme Creator (dhatrananda-pradayini).
Text 25 jagannatha-priya saila- vasini hema-sundari kisori kamala padma padma-hasta payoda-da
She is dear to the Lord of the universes (jagannatha-priya), She resides on a hill (saila- vasini), is beautiful and golden (hema-sundari), is youthful (kisori), like a lotus flower (kamala and padma), her hands are lotuses (padma-hasta), and She is buxom (payoda-da).
Text 26 payasvini payo-datri pavitra sarva-mangala maha-jiva-prada krsna- kanta kamala-sundari
She is buxom (payasvini and payo-datri), pure (pavitra), all-auspicious (sarva-mangala), the great giver of life (maha-jiva-prada), Lord Krsna's beloved (krsna-kanta), and beautiful as a lotus (kamala-sundari).
Text 27 vicitra-vasini citra- vasini citra-rupini nirguna su-kulina ca niskulina nirakula She is wonderfully fragrant (vicitra-vasini and citra-vasini), wonderfully beautiful (citra-rupini), free of the modes of material nature (nirguna), born in a pious family (su-kulina), not born in any family of the material world (niskulina), and free from all distrees (nirakula).
Text 28 gokulantara-geha ca yogananda-kari tatha venu-vadya venu-ratih venu-vadya-parayana
Her home is in Gokula (gokulantara-geha). She delights Lord Krsna when She meets Him (yogananda-kari). She plays the flute (venu-vadya), enjoys playing the flute (venu-rati), and is fond of playing the flute (venu-vadya-parayana).
Text 29 gopalasya priya saumya- rupa saumya-kulodvaha mohamoha vimoha ca gati-nistha gati-prada
She is Lord Gopala's beloved (gopalasya priya). She is gentle and noble (saumya-rupa), born in an exalted family (saumya-kulodvaha), charming (moha and vimoha), and free from bewilderment (amoha), and She gives the goal of life (gati-nistha and gati-prada).
Text 30 girbana-vandya girbana girbana-gana-sevita lalita ca visoka ca visakha citra-malini
The demigods offer repsectful obeisances to Her (girbana-vandya). She is divine (girbana), served by the demigods (girbana-gana-sevita), playful and charming (lalita), free from lamentation (visoka), the star Visakha (visakha), and decorated with wonderful garlands (citra-malini).
Text 31 jitendriya suddha-sattva kulina kula-dipika dipa-priya dipa-datri vimala vimalodaka
She has conquered Her senses (jitendriya). She is situated in pure goodness (suddha-sattva), born in a noble family (kulina), the lamp illuminating Her family (kula-dipika), fond of lamps (dipa-priya), the giver of the lamp (dipa-datri), pure (vimala), and the sacred river (vimalodaka).
Text 32 kantara-vasini krsna krsnacandra-priya matih anuttara duhkha-hantri duhkha-kartri kulodvaha
She lives in a forest (kantara-vasini). She is Lord Krsna's beloved (krsna and krsnacandra-priya). She is thoughtfulness (mati), unsurpassed (anuttara), the remover of sufferings (duhkha-hantri), the creator of sufferings (duhkha-kartri), and the noblest in Her family (kulodvaha).
Text 33 matir laksmir dhrtir lajja kantih pustih smrtih ksama ksirodasayini devi devari-kula-mardini
She is thoughtfulness (mati), Goddess Laksmi (laksmi), perseverance (dhrti), modesty (lajja), beauty (kanti), fulfillment (pusti), memory (smrti), patience (ksama), she who lies down on the ocean of milk (ksirodasayini), the goddess (devi), and the crusher of Lord Krsna's enemies (devari-kula-mardini).
Text 34 vaisnavi ca maha-laksmih kula-pujya kula-priya samhartri sarva-daityanam savitri veda-gamini
She is Lord Visnu's consort (vaisnavi), Goddess Maha-Laksmi (maha-laksmi), worshiped by Her family (kula-pujya), dear to Her family (kula-priya), the destroyer of all the demons (samhartri sarva-daityanam), the gayatri mantra (savitri), and a follower of the Vedas (veda-gamini).
Text 35 vedatita niralamba niralamba-gana-priya niralamba-janaih pujya niraloka nirasraya
She is beyond the Vedas (vedatita), liberated (niralamba), dear to the liberated (niralamba-gana-priya), worshiped by the liberated (niralamba-janaih pujya), unseen by conditioned souls (niraloka), and independent (nirasraya).
Text 36 ekanga sarvaga sevya brahma-patni sarasvati rasa-priya rasa-gamya rasadhisthatr-devata
She has one form (ekanga). She is all-pervading (sarvaga), the supreme object of worship (sevya), Brahma's wife (brahma-patni), Goddess Sarasvati (sarasvati), fond of the rasa dance (rasa-priya), the girl Lord Krsna approaches in the rasa dance (rasa-gamya), and the predominating Deity of the rasa dance (rasadhisthatr-devata).
Text 37 rasika rasikananda svayam rasesvari para rasa-mandala-madhyastha rasa-mandala-sobhita
She enjoys the transcendental mellows (rasika) and tastes the bliss of the transcendental mellows (rasikananda). She is the queen of the rasa dance (svayam rasesvari), transcendental (para), the girl who stays in the middle of the rasa dance circle (rasa-mandala-madhyastha), and the girl who beautifies the rasa dance circle (rasa-mandala-sobhita).
Text 38 rasa-mandala-sevya ca rasa-krida manohara pundarikaksa-nilaya pundarikaksa-gehini
She is served in the rasa dance circle (rasa-mandala-sevya), and She enjoys the pastime of the rasa dance (rasa-krida). She is beautiful (manohara), Her dark eyes are lotus flowers (pundarikaksa-nilaya), and She is the wife of lotus-eyed Krsna (pundarikaksa-gehini).
Text 39 pundarikaksa-sevya ca pundarikaksa-vallabha sarva-jivesvari sarva- jiva-vandya parat para
She is served by lotus-eyed Krsna (pundarikaksa-sevya), dear to lotus-eyed Krsna (pundarikaksa-vallabha), the queen of all living entities (sarva-jivesvari), worshiped by all living entities (sarva-jiva-vandya), and greater than the greatest (parat para).
Text 40 prakrtih sambhu-kanta ca sadasiva-manohara ksut pipasa daya nidra bhrantih srantih ksamakula
She is the goddess of the material nature (prakrti), and the beautiful wife of Lord Siva (sambhu-kanta and sadasiva-manohara). She is hunger (ksut), thirst (pipasa), mercy (daya), sleep (nidra), bewilderment (bhranti), exhaustion (sranti), and patience (ksamakula).
Text 41 vadhu-rupa gopa-patni bharati siddha-yogini satya-rupa nitya-rupa nityangi nitya-gehini
She is a young girl (vadhu-rupa), the wife of a gopa (gopa-patni), the goddess of eloquence (bharati), and perfect in the science of yoga (siddha-yogini). Her form is eternal (satya-rupa, nitya-rupa, and nityangi), and She is Lord Krsna's wife eternally (nitya-gehini).
Text 42 sthana-datri tatha dhatri maha-laksmih svayam-prabha sindhu-kanya sthana-datri dvaraka-vasini tatha
She gives Her devotees their homes (sthana-datri). She is the mother (dhatri), Goddess Maha-Laksmi (maha-laksmi), self-effulgent (svayam-prabha), the daughter of the milk ocean (sindhu-kanya), and she who resides in Dvaraka (dvaraka-vasini).
Text 43 buddhih sthitih sthana-rupa sarva-karana-karana bhakti-priya bhakti-gamya bhaktananda-pradayini
She is intelligence (buddhi), steadiness (sthiti and sthana-rupa), the cause of all causes (sarva-karana-karana), fond of serving Lord Krsna (bhakti-priya), approached by devotional service (bhakti-gamya), and the giver of bliss to the devotees (bhaktananda-pradayini).
Text 44 bhakta-kalpa-drumatita tathatita-guna tatha mano-'dhisthatr-devi ca krsna-prema-parayana
She is more than a kalpa-vrksa tree for the devotees (bhakta-kalpa-drumatita), the possessor of the greatest transcendental virtues (atita-guna), the predominating Deity of the heart (mano-'dhisthatr-devi), and the girl completely in love with Lord Krsna (krsna-prema-parayana).
Text 45 niramaya saumya-datri tatha madana-mohini ekanamsa siva ksema durga durgati-nasini
She is free from all disease (niramaya), the most gentle, kind, and generous (saumya-datri), more charming than Kamadeva (madana-mohini), one without a second (eka and anamsa), the wife of Lord Siva (siva and durga), happiness and auspiciousness personified (ksema), and the person who destroys all calamities (durgati-nasini).
Text 46 isvari sarva-vandya ca gopaniya subhankari palini sarva-bhutanam tatha kamanga-harini
She is the supreme controller (isvari), worshiped by all (sarva-vandya), reclusive (gopaniya), the giver of auspiciousness (subhankari), the protectress of all living entities (palini sarva-bhutanam), and the wife of Lord Siva who destroyed Kamadeva's body (kamanga-harini).
Text 47 sadyo-mukti-prada devi veda-sara parat para himalaya-suta sarva parvati girija sati
She is the person who quickly gives liberation (sadyo-mukti-prada), the goddess (devi), the essence of the Vedas (veda-sara), greater than the greatest (parat para), and Goddess Parvati (himalaya-suta, sarva, parvati, girija, and sati).
Text 48 daksa-kanya deva-mata manda-lajja hares tanuh vrndaranya-priya vrnda vrndavana-vilasini
She is Daksa's daughter (daksa-kanya), the demigods' mother (deva-mata), bold (manda-lajja), Lord Hari's own transcendental form (hares tanuh), fond of Vrndavana (vrndaranya-priya), goddess Vrnda (vrnda), and the girl who enjoys pastimes in Vrndavana (vrndavana-vilasini).
Text 49 vilasini vaisnavi ca brahmaloka-pratisthita rukmini revati satya- bhama jambavati tatha
She is playful (vilasini), Lord Visnu's companion (vaisnavi), the predominating goddess of the spiritual world (brahmaloka-pratisthita), Rukmini (rukmini), Revati (revati), Satyabhama (satyabhama), and Jambavati (jambavati).
Text 50 sulaksmana mitravinda kalindi jahnu-kanyka paripurna purnatara tatha haimavati gatih
She is Sulaksmana (sulaksmana), Mitravinda (mitravinda), Kalindi (kalindi), Jahnavi (jahnu-kanyka), most perfect (paripurna and purnatara), Goddess Parvati (haimavati), and the supreme goal of life (gati).
Text 51 apurva brahma-rupa ca brahmanda-paripalini brahmanda-bhanda-madbyastha brahmanda-bhanda-rupini
She is unprecedented (apurva), spiritual (brahma-rupa), the protectress of the universe (brahmanda-paripalini), the goddess who enters the material universe (brahmanda-bhanda-madbyastha), the goddess who Herself is the material universe (brahmanda-bhanda-rupini).
Text 52 anda-rupanda-madhyastha tathanda-paripalini anda-bahyanda-samhartri siva-brahma-hari-priya
She is the goddess who is the material universe (anda-rupa), the goddess who has entered the material universe (anda-madhyastha), the protectress of the material universe (anda-paripalini), the goddess who is beyond the material universe (anda-bahya), the destroyer of the material universe (anda-samhartri), and she who is dear to Siva, Brahma, and Visnu (siva-brahma-hari-priya).
Text 53 maha-visnu-priya kalpa- vrksa-rupa nirantara sara-bhuta sthira gauri gaurangi sasi-sekhara
She is Lord Maha-Visnu's beloved (maha-visnu-priya), a kalpa-vrksa tree (kalpa-vrksa-rupa), eternal (nirantara and sthira), the best (sara-bhuta), fair (gauri and gaurangi), and Lord Siva's wife (sasi-sekhara).
Text 54 sveta-campaka-varnabha sasi-koti-sama-prabha malati-malya-bhusadhya malati-malya-dharini
She is fair as a sveta campaka flower (sveta-campaka-varnabha), splendid as millions of moons (sasi-koti-sama-prabha), and decorated with jasmine garlands (malati-malya-bhusadhya and malati-malya-dharini).
Text 55 krsna-stuta krsna-kanta vrndavana-vilasini tulasy-adhisthatr-devi samsararnava-para-da
She is praised by Krsna (krsna-stuta) and loved by Krsna (krsna-kanta). She enjoys pastimes in Vrndavana (vrndavana-vilasini). She is Goddess Tulasi (tulasy-adhisthatr-devi). She carries one to the farther shore of the ocean of birth and death (samsararnava-para-da).
Text 56 saradaharadambhoda yasoda gopa-nandini atita-gamana gauri paranugraha-karini
She gives what is the best (sarada). She gives food (aharada). She gives water (ambhoda). She gives fame (yasoda). She is a gopa's daughter (gopa-nandini), very graceful (atita-gamana), fair (gauri), and kind to others (paranugraha-karini).
Text 57 karunarnava-sampurna karunarnava-dharini madhavi madhava-mano- harini syama-vallabha
She is a flooding ocean of mercy (karunarnava-sampurna and karunarnava-dharini). She is Lord Krsna's beloved (madhavi and syama-vallabha), and she charms Lord Krsna's heart (madhava-mano-harini).
Text 58 andhakara-bhaya-dhvasta mangalya mangala-prada sri-garbha sri-prada srisa sri-nivasacyutapriya
She removes the fear of darkness (andhakara-bhaya-dhvasta). She is auspicious (mangalya), the giver of auspiciousness (mangala-prada), the mother of all beauty (sri-garbha), the giver of beauty (sri-prada), the queen of beauty (srisa), the abode of beauty (sri-nivasa), and the beloved of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead (acyutapriya).
Text 59 sri-rupa sri-hara srida sri-kama sri-svarupini sridamananda-datri ca sridamesvara-vallabha
She is the form of beauty (sri-rupa and sri-svarupini), the remover of beauty (sri-hara), the giver of beauty (srida), the desire for beauty (sri-kama), the giver of bliss to Sridama (sridamananda-datri), and dear to Sridama's master (sridamesvara-vallabha).
Text 60 sri-nitamba sri-ganesa sri-svarupasrita srutih sri-kriya-rupini srila sri-krsna-bhajananvita
She has beautiful hips (sri-nitamba). She is the beautiful queen of the gopis (sri-ganesa). She is beautiful (sri-svarupasrita and srila). She is the Vedas (sruti) and the activities of devotional service (sri-kriya-rupini). She devotedly worships Sri Krsna (sri-krsna-bhajananvita).
Text 61 sri-radha srimati srestha srestha-rupa sruti-priya yogesa yoga-mata ca yogatita yuga-priya
She worships Lord Krsna (sri-radha). She is beautiful (srimati). She is the best (srestha and srestha-rupa). She is dear to the Vedas (sruti-priya), the queen of yoga (yogesa), the mother of yoga (yoga-mata), beyond yoga (yogatita), and dear to the two divine persons (yuga-priya).
Text 62 yoga-priya yoga-gamya yogini-gana-vandita java-kusuma-sankasa dadimi-kusumopama
She is dear to yoga (yoga-priya), approached by yoga (yoga-gamya), worshiped by the yoginis (yogini-gana-vandita), glorious as a rose (java-kusuma-sankasa), and glorious as a pomegranate (dad imi-kusumopama).
Text 63 nilambaradhara dhira dhairya-rupa-dhara dhritih ratna-simhasana-stha ca ratna-kundala-bhusita
She wears blue garments (nilambara-dhara). She is very sober and serious (dhira and dhairya-rupa-dhara). She is seriousness (dhriti). She sits on a jewel throne (ratna-simhasana-stha) and She is decorated with jewel earrings (ratna-kundala-bhusita).
Text 64 ratnalankara-samyukta ratna-malya-dhara para ratnendra-sara-haradhya ratna-mala-vibhusita
She wears jewel ornaments (ratnalankara-samyukta), a necklace of jewels (ratna-malya-dhara and ratna-mala-vibhusita), and a necklace of the kings of jewels (ratnendra-sara-haradhya). She is transcendental (para).
Text 65 indranila-mani-nyasta- pada-padma-subha sucih karttiki paurnamasi ca amavasya bhayapaha
Her lotus feet are beautiful with sapphire ornaments (indranila-mani-nyasta-pada-padma-subha) and She is beautiful (suci). She is the month of Karttika (karttiki), the full-moon day (paurnamasi), the new-moon day (amavasya), and the remover of fears (bhayapaha).
Text 66 govinda-raja-grhini govinda-gana-pujita vaikuntha-natha-grhini vaikuntha-paramalaya
She is Lord Govinda's queen (govinda-raja-grhini) and She is worshiped by Lord Govinda's devotees (govinda-gana-pujita). She is the queen of Vaikuntha's king (vaikuntha-natha-grhini) and She resides in the supreme abode of Vaikuntha (vaikuntha-paramalaya).
Text 67 vaikunthadeva-devadhya tatha vaikuntha-sundari mahalasa vedavati sita sadhvi pati-vrata
She is glorious in the comopany of Vaikuntha's supreme king (vaikuntha-deva-devadhya) and She is the beautiful goddess of Vaikuntha (vaikuntha-sundari). She is languid (mahalasa), wise (vedavati), saintly (sadhvi), and devoted to Her Lord (pati-vrata). She is Goddess Sita (sita).
Text 68 anna-purna sadananda- rupa kaivalya-sundari kaivalya-dayini srestha gopinatha-manohara
She is Goddess Durga (anna-purna). Her form is full of eternal bliss (sadananda-rupa). She is the most beautiful (kaivalya-sundari), the giver of liberation (kaivalya-dayini), the best (srestha), and the girl who charms Lord Gopinatha's heart (gopinatha-manohara).
Text 69 gopinathesvari candi nayika-nayananvita nayika nayaka-prita nayakananda-rupini
She is Lord Gopinatha's queen (gopinathesvari). She is passionate (candi). She has the eyes of a beautiful heroine (nayika-nayananvita). She is a beautiful heroine (nayika). She is dear to the hero Krsna (nayaka-prita). She delights the hero Krsna (nayakananda-rupini).
Text 70 sesa sesavati sesa- rupini jagad-ambika gopala-palika maya jayanandaprada tatha
She reclines on Lord Sesa (sesa, sesavati, and sesa-rupini). She is the mother of the universe (jagad-ambika), the protectress of the cowherd people (gopala-palika), the Lord's illusory potency (maya), and she who gives the bliss of victory (jayanandaprada).
Text 71 kumari yauvanananda yuvati gopa-sundari gopa-mata janaki ca janakananda-karini
She is a young girl (kumari and yuvati), filled with the bliss of youthfulness (yauvanananda), a beautiful gopi (gopa-sundari), the mother of the gopas (gopa-mata), the daughter of King Janaka (janaki), and the girl who gives bliss to King Janaka (janakananda-karini).
Text 72 kailasa-vasini rambha vairagyakula-dipika kamala-kanta-grhini kamala kamalalaya
She is the Goddess who resides on Mount Kailasa (kailasa-vasini). She is the apsara Rambha (rambha). She is a glowing lamp of renunciation (vairagyakula-dipika). She is Lord Narayana's wife (kamala-kanta-grhini). She is the goddess of fortune (kamala) and the abode where the goddess of fortune resides (kamalalaya).
Text 73 trailokya-mata jagatam adhisthatri priyambika hara-kanta hara-rata harananda-pradayini
She is the mother of the three worlds (trailokya-mata), the predominating Deity of the universes (jagatam adhisthatri), the beloved (priya), the mother (ambika), the beloved of Lord Siva (hara-kanta and hara-rata), and She who gives bliss to Lord Siva (harananda-pradayini).
Text 74 hara-patni hara-prita hara-tosana-tatpara haresvari rama-rata rama ramesvari rama
She is Lord Siva's wife (hara-patni), Lord Siva's beloved (hara-prita), devoted to pleasing Lord Siva (hara-tosana-tatpara), Lord Siva's queen (haresvari), Lord Rama's beloved (rama-rata and rama), and Lord Rama's queen (ramesvari).
Text 75 syamala citra-lekha ca tatha bhuvana-mohini su-gopi gopa-vanita gopa-rajya-prada subha
She is Lord Krsna's beloved (syamala), wonderfully beautiful (citra-lekha), the enchantress of the three worlds (bhuvana-mohini), a beautiful gopi (su-gopi and gopa-vanita), she who gives a kingdom to the gopas (gopa-rajya-prada), and beautiful (subha).
Text 76 angavapurna maheyi matsya-raja-suta sati kaumari narasimhi ca varahi nava-durgika
She is beautiful (angavapurna), the queen of the earth (maheyi), the daughter of Matsyaraja (matsya-raja-suta), saintly (sati), a young girl (kaumari), Lord Nrsimha's beloved goddess of fortune (narasimhi), Lord Varaha's beloved (varahi), and the mother of the nine Durgas (nava-durgika).
Text 77 cancala cancalamoda nari bhuvana-sundari daksa-yajna-hara daksi daksa-kanya su-locana
She is fickle (cancala and cancalamoda), appears to be a human girl (nari), is the most beautiful girl in the worlds (bhuvana-sundari), stopped Daksa's yajna (daksa-yajna-hara), is Daksa's daughter (daksi and daksa-kanya), and has beautiful eyes (su-locana).
Text 78 rati-rupa rati-prita rati-srestha rati-prada ratir laksmana-geha-stha viraja bhuvanesvari
She is beautiful (rati-rupa), delightful (rati-prita and rati-prada), the most delightful (rati-srestha) happiness (rati), the goddess who stays in Laksmana's home (laksmana-geha-stha), free from the world of matter (viraja), and the queen who rules the worlds (bhuvanesvari).
Text 79 sankhaspada harer jaya jamatr-kula-vandita bakula bakulamoda- dharini yamuna jaya
She has countless transcendental abodes (sankhaspada). She is Lord Hari's wife (harer jaya). She is worshiped by Her in-laws (jamatr-kula-vandita). She is beautiful as a bakula flower (bakula) and fragrant as a bakula flower (bakulamoda-dharini). She is the Yamuna river (yamuna) and the goddess of victory (jaya).
Text 80 vijaya jaya-patni ca yamalarjuna-bhanjini vakresvari vakra-rupa vakra-viksana-viksita
She is the goddess of victory (vijaya), the wife of the Lord of victory (jaya-patni), the beloved of He who broke the yamalarjuna trees (yamalarjuna-bhanjini), the queen of the crooked and deceptive (vakresvari), graceful (vakra-rupa), and a girl expert at crooked glances (vakra-viksana-viksita).
Text 81 aparajita jagannatha jagannathesvari yatih khecari khecara-suta khecaratva-pradayini
She is unconquerable (aparajita), the queen of the universes (jagannatha), she who controls the king of the universes (jagannathesvari), renounced (yati), a goddess who lives in the celestial worlds (khecari khecara-suta), and one who brings others to the celestial worlds (khecaratva-pradayini).
Text 82 visnu-vaksah-sthala-stha ca visnu-bhavana-tatpara candra-koti-sugatri ca candranana-manohari
She rests on Lord Visnu's chest (visnu-vaksah-sthala-stha) and is rapt in meditation on Lord Visnu (visnu-bhavana-tatpara). She is beautiful as millions of moons (candra-koti-sugatri) and Her moonlike face is very beautiful (candranana-manohari).
Text 83 seva-sevya siva ksema tatha ksema-kari vadhuh yadavendra-vadhuh sevya siva-bhakta sivanvita
She should be served with devotion (seva-sevya). She is Lord Siva's beloved (siva). She is patience (ksema), patient (ksema-kari), a beautiful girl (vadhu), the wife of the Yadavas' king (yadavendra-vadhu), the object of devotional service (sevya), a great devotee of Lord Siva (siva-bhakta), and Lord Siva's companion (sivanvita).
Text 84 kevala nisphala suksma maha-bhimabhayaprada jimuta-rupa jaimuti jitamitra-pramodini
She is liberated (kevala), free from the fruits of karma (nisphala), subtle (suksma), terrifying (maha-bhima), the giver of fearlessness (abhayaprada), the sustainer (jimuta-rupa), Lord Visnu's beloved (jaimuti), and the girl who delights Lord Visnu (jitamitra-pramodini).
Text 85 gopala-vanita nanda kulajendra-nivasini jayanti yamunangi ca yamuna-tosa-karini
She is Lord Gopala's beloved (gopala-vanita), dear to King Nanda (nanda), of noble birth (kulaja), the resident of a king's palace (indra-nivasini), glorious (jayanti), a girl who stays by the Yamuna (yamunangi), and a girl who pleases the Yamuna (yamuna-tosa-karini).
Text 86 kali-kalmasa-bhanga ca kali-kalmasa-nasini kali-kalmasa-rupa ca nityananda-kari krpa
She breaks and destroys the sins of Kali-yuga (kali-kalmasa-bhanga and kali-kalmasa-nasini). She is expert at enjoying pastimes of quarreling with Lord Krsna (kali-kalmasa-rupa). She brings Lord Krsna eternal bliss (nityananda-kari). She is kindness personified (krpa).
Text 87 krpavati kulavati kailasacala-vasini vama-devi vama-bhaga govinda-priya-karini
She is merciful (krpavati), born in a very respectable and noble family (kulavati), the goddess who resides on Mount Kailasa (kailasacala-vasini), beautiful (vama-devi and vama-bhaga), and she who delights Lord Govinda (govinda-priya-karini).
Text 88 nagendra-kanya yogesi yogini yoga-rupini yoga-siddha siddha-rupa siddha-ksetra-nivasini
She is the daughter of Nagaraja (nagendra-kanya), the queen of yoga (yogesi) a performer of yoga (yogini), yoga personified (yoga-rupini), the perfection of yoga (yoga-siddha), the perfection of yoga personified (siddha-rupa), and she who resides in a sacred place (siddha-ksetra-nivasini).
Text 89 ksetradhisthatr-rupa ca ksetratita kula-prada kesavananda-datri ca kesavananda-dayini
She is the predominating Deity of sacred places (ksetradhisthatr-rupa), beyond all places in this world (ksetratita), born in a noble family (kula-prada), and the giver of happiness to Lord Kesava (kesavananda-datri and kesavananda-dayini).
Text 90 kesava kesava-prita kesavi kesava-priya rasa-krida-kari rasa- vasini rasa-sundari
She is Lord Kesava's beloved (kesava, kesava-prita, kesavi, and kesava-priya), the enjoyer of the rasa-dance pastimes (rasa-krida-kari), the girl who stays in the rasa-dance arena (rasa- vasini), and the beautiful girl of the raasa dance (rasa-sundari).
Text 91 gokulanvita-deha ca gokulatva-pradayini lavanga-namni narangi naranga-kula-mandana
She stays in Gokula (gokulanvita-deha), gives residence in Gokula to others (gokulatva-pradayini), has a name beautiful as a a lavangha flower (lavanga-namni), is amorous (narangi), and is the transcendental decoration of amorous Krsna (naranga-kula-mandana).
Text 92 ela-lavanga-karpura- mukha-vasa-mukhanvita mukhya mukhya-prada mukhya- rupa mukhya-nivasini
She is anointed with ela, lavanga, karpura and many other fragrances (ela-lavanga-karpura-mukha-vasa-mukhanvita), is the most exalted of young girls (mukhya), gives the most valuable thing (mukhya-prada), has the most beautiful form (mukhya-rupa), and lives in the best abode (mukhya-nivasini).
Text 93 narayani kripatita karunamaya-karini karunya karuna karna gokarna naga-karnika
She is Lord Narayana's beloved (narayani). She is supremely merciful (krpatita, karunamaya-karini, karunya, and karuna). She is the sacred place Gokarna (gokarna), Karna (karna), and Naga-karnika (naga-karnika).
Text 94 sarpini kaulini ksetra- vasini jagad-anvaya jatila kutila nila nilambaradhara subha
She is graceful (sarpini), born in a noble family (kaulini), a resident of holy places (ksetra-vasini), the mother of the universes (jagad-anvaya), an ascetic (jatila), crooked (kutila), beauitful (nila and subha), and dressed in blue garments (nilambaradhara).
Text 95 nilambara-vidhatri ca nilakantha-priya tatha bhagini bhagini bhogya krsna-bhogya bhagesvari
She is dressed in blue garments (nilambara-vidhatri). She is Lord Siva's beloved (nilakantha-priya). She is beautiful (bhagini, bhagini, and bhogya), Lord Krsna's happiness (krsna-bhogya), and the queen of transcendental opulences (bhagesvari).
Text 96 balesvari balaradhya kanta kanta-nitambini nitambini rupavati yuvati krsna-pivari
She is Lord Balarama's queen (balesvari), worshiped by Lord Balarama (balaradhya), beautiful (kanta and rupavati), a girl with beautiful hips (kanta-nitambini nitambini), youthful (yuvati), and Lord Krsna's beloved (krsna-pivari).
Text 97 vibhavari vetravati sankata kutilalaka narayana-priya salila srkkani-parimohita
She is amorous (vibhavari). She holds a stick (vetravati). She is slender (sankata). Her hair is curly (kutilalaka). She is Lord Narayana's beloved (narayana-priya). She resides on a hill (salila). With the movements of Her mouth She ecnhants Lord Krsna (srkkani-parimohita).
Text 98 drk-pata-mohita pratar- asini navanitika navina nava-nari ca naranga-phala-sobhita
With a glance She enchants Lord Krsna (drk-pata-mohita). She eats breakfast early (pratar-asini) and churns butter (navanitika). She is young (navina nava-nari), and she is splendid as a naranga fruit (ca naranga-phala-sobhita).
Text 99 haimi hema-mukhi candra- mukhi sasi-su-sobhana ardha-candra-dhara candra- vallabha rohini tamih
She is splendid as gold (haimi). Her face is golden (hema-mukhi). Her face is like the moon (candra-mukhi). She is beautiful as the moon (sasi-su-sobhana), like a graceful half-moon (ardha-candra-dhara), dear to moonlike Krsna (candra-vallabha), a beautiful young girl (rohini), and splendid as the night (tami).
Text 100 timingla-kulamoda- matsya-rupanga-harini karani sarva-bhutanam karyatita kisorini
She became the beloved of Lord Matsya and delighted the timingilas (timingla-kulamoda-matsya-rupanga-harini). She is the mother of all living entities (karani sarva-bhutanam). She is beyond all material duties (karyatita). She is a beautiful young girl (kisorini).
Text 101 kisora-vallabha kesa- karika kama-karika kamesvari kama-kala kalindi-kula-dipika
She is youthful Krsna's beloved (kisora-vallabha). She has beautiful hair (kesa-karika). She is passionate (kama-karika), the queen of amorous pastimes (kamesvari), expert at amorous pastimes (kama-kala), and the lamp that splendidly shines on the Yamuna's shore (kalindi-kula-dipika).
Text 102 kalindatanaya-tira- vasini tira-gehini kadambari-pana-para kusumamoda-dharini
She has made Her home on the Yamuna's shore (kalindatanaya-tira-vasini and tira-gehini). She is fond of drinking kadambari nectar (kadambari-pana-para). She is fragrant with many flowers (kusumamoda-dharini).
Text 103 kumuda kumudananda krsnesi kama-vallabha tarkali vaijayanti ca nimba-dadima-rupini
She is like a kumuda flower (kumuda). She is pleased by the kumuda flowers (kumudananda). She is Lord Krsna's queen (krsnesi) and passionate lover (kama-vallabha). She is an expert logician (tarkali). She is glorious (vaijayanti). Her form is like a nimba or a pomegranate tree (nimba-dadima-rupini).
Text 104 bilva-vrksa-priya krsnam- bara bilvopama-stani bilvatmika bilva-vapur bilva-vrksa-nivasini
She is fond of the bilva tree (bilva-vrksa-priya). She is Lord Krsna's garment (krsnambara). Her breasts are like bilva fruits (bilvopama-stani). Her form is like a bilva tree (bilvatmika and bilva-vapuh). She stays under a bilva tree (bilva-vrksa-nivasini).
Text 105 tulasi-tosika taiti- lananda-paritosika gaja-mukta maha-mukta maha-mukti-phala-prada
She pleases tulasi (tulasi-tosika). She pleases Taitilananda (taitilananda-paritosika). She is decorated with gaja pearls (gaja-mukta, maha-mukta, and maha-mukti-phala-prada).
Text 106 ananga-mohini sakti- rupa sakti-svarupini panca-sakti-svarupa ca saisavananda-karini
She is is charming and passionate (ananga-mohini). She is Lord Krsna's transcendental potency (sakti-rupa and sakti-svarupini). She is the personification of five transcendental potencies (panca-sakti-svarupa). She is filled with the happiness of youth (saisavananda-karini).
Text 107 gajendra-gamini syama- latananga-lata tatha yosit-sakti-svarupa ca yosid-ananda-karini
She is graceful as an elephant (gajendra-gamini). She is a flowering vine of beauty (syama-lata) and a flowering vine of passionate desires (ananga-lata). She is the personification of feminine power (yosit-sakti-svarupa) and feminine bliss (yosid-ananda-karini).
Text 108 prema-priya prema-rupa premananda-tarangini prema-hara prema-datri prema-saktimayi tatha
She passionately loves Lord Krsna (prema-priya). She is the form of all transcendental love (prema-rupa). She is an ocean filled with waves of transcendental love (premananda-tarangini). She is the giver of transcendental love (prema-hara and prema-datri). She is full of the power of transcendental love (prema-saktimayi).
Text 109 krsna-premavati dhanya krsna-prema-tarangini prema-bhakti-prada prema premananda-tarangini
She loves Lord Krsna (krsna-premavati). She is fortunate (dhanya). She is an ocean filled with waves of love for Lord Krsna (krsna-prema-tarangini). She gives loving devotional service (prema-bhakti-prada). She is transcendental love (prema). She is an ocean filled with waves of the bliss of transcendental love (premananda-tarangini).
Text 110 prema-krida-paritangi prema-bhakti-tarangini premartha-dayini sarva- sveta nitya-tarangini
Her limbs are filled with amorous playfulness (prema-krida-paritangi). She is an ocean filled with waves of loving devotional service (prema-bhakti-tarangini). She gives a great wealth of transcendental love (premartha-dayini). She is fair (sarvasveta), and She is an ocean of eternity (nitya-tarangini).
Text 111 hava-bhavanvita raudra rudrananda-prakasini kapila srnkhala kesa- pasa-sambandhini ghati
She is expert at flirting with Lord Krsna (hava-bhavanvita). She is Lord Siva's beloved (raudra). She delights Lord Siva (rudrananda-prakasini). She is fair (kapila). She is the shackle that binds Lord Krsna (srnkhala). She carefully braids Her hair (kesa-pasa-sambandhini). She carries a jug (ghati).
Text 112 kutira-vasini dhumra dhumra-kesa jalodari brahmanda-gocara brahma- rupini bhava-bhavini
She lives in a cottage (kutira-vasini). She is Goddess Durga (dhumra). Her hair is dark as smoke (dhumra-kesa). She resides in the milk-ocean (jalodari). She has descended to the material world (brahmanda-gocara). Her form is spiritual (brahma-rupini). She is full of transcendental love (bhava-bhavini).
Text 113 samsara-nasini saiva saivalananda-dayini sisira hema-ragadbya megha-rupati-sundari
She destroys the cycle of repeated birth and death (samsara-nasini). She is Lord Siva's beloved (saiva). She bears the pleasing fragrance of saivala (saivalananda-dayini). She is pleasantly cool (sisira), Her complexion is golden (hema-ragadbya), Her form is glorious as a cloud (megha-rupa), and She is very beautiful (ati-sundari).
Text 114 manorama vegavati vegadhya veda-vadini dayanvita dayadhara daya-rupa susevini
She is beautiful (manorama), quick (vegavati and vegadhya), eloquent in speaking the Vedas (veda-vadini), merciful (dayanvita, dayadhara, and daya-rupa), and the proper object of devotional service (susevini).
Text 115 kisora-sanga-samsarga gaura-candranana kala kaladhinatha-vadana kalanathadhirohini
She meets youthful Krsna (kisora-sanga-samsarga), Her face is a brilliant moon (gaura-candranana), She is a crescent moon (kala), Her face is a full moon (kaladhinatha-vadana), and She is glorious as a full moon (kalanathadhirohini).
Text 116 viraga-kusala hema- pingala hema-mandana bhandira-talavana-ga kaivarti pivari suki
She is renounced (viraga-kusala), Her complexion is golden (hema-pingala), She is decorated with golden ornaments (hema-mandana), She goes to Bhandiravana and Talavana (bhandira-talavana-ga), She catches the fish that is Sri Krsna (kaivarti), She is a beautiful young girl (pivari), and She is graceful (suki).
Text 117 sukadeva-gunatita sukadeva-priya sakhi vikalotkarsini kosa kauseyambara-dharini
Her virtues are beyond the power of Sukadeva Gosvami to describe (sukadeva-gunatita), She is dear to Sukadeva Gosvami (sukadeva-priya), She is friendly (sakhi), She picks up the fallen and unhappy (vikalotkarsini), She is a treasure-house of transcendental opulences (kosa), and She is dressed in elegant silk garments (kauseyambara-dharini).
Text 118 kosavari kosa-rupa jagad-utpatti-karika srsti-sthiti-kari samha- rini samhara-karini
She is a treasure-house of transcendental opulences (kosavari and kosa-rupa), the mother of the universes (jagad-utpatti-karika), the creature and maintainer of the universes (srsti-sthiti-kari), and the destroyer of the universes (samharini and samhara-karini).
Text 119 kesa-saivala-dhatri ca candra-gatri su-komala padmangaraga-samraga vindhyadri-parivasini
Her hair is dark moss (kesa-saivala-dhatri), and Her limbs are moons (candra-gatri). She is very gentle and delicate (su-komala), She is anointed with lotus cosmetics (padmangaraga-samraga), and She has a home in the Vindhya Hills (vindhyadri-parivasini).
Text 120 vindhyalaya syama-sakhi sakhi samsara-ragini bhuta bhavisya bhavya ca bhavya-gatra bhavatiga
She has a home in the Vindhya Hills (vindhyalaya), is the intimate friend of Lord Krsna (syama-sakhi), is friendly (sakhi), loves the world (samsara-ragini), existed in the past (bhuta), will continue to exist in the future eternally (bhavisya), and exists in the present (bhavya). Her limbs are beautiful (bhavya-gatra), and She is beyond the material world of repeated birth and death (bhavatiga).
Text 121 bhava-nasanta-kariny a- kasa-rupa su-vesini rati-ranga-parityaga rati-vega rati-prada
She puts an end to the cycle of repeated birth and death (bhava-nasanta-karini), Her form is spiritual and subtle (akasa-rupa), She is beautifully dressed (su-vesini), She left the arena of amorous pastimes (rati-ranga-parityaga, and She enjoys the happiness of amorous pastimes (rati-vega and rati-prada).
Text 122 tejasvini tejo-rupa kaivalya-patha-da subha mukti-hetur mukti-hetu- langhini langhana-ksama
She is splendid and powerful (tejasvini and tejo-rupa), gives the path of liberation (kaivalya-patha-da), is beautiful (subha), is the cause of liberation (mukti-hetur), jumps over impersonal liberation (mukti-hetu-langhini), and is tolerant of offenses (langhana-ksama).
Text 123 visala-netra vaisali visala-kula-sambhava visala-grha-vasa ca visala-vadari ratih
She has large eyes (visala-netra), comes from an exalted family (vaisali, visala-kula-sambhava, visala-grha-vasa, and visala-vadari), and is transcendental happiness personified (rati).
Text 124 bhakty-atita bhakta-gatir bhaktika siva-bhakti-da siva-sakti-svarupa ca sivardhanga-viharini
By serving Her one crosses beyond the world of repeated birth and death (bhakty-atita), She is the goal of devotional service (bhakta-gati), She is devotional service (bhaktika), She gives auspicious devotional service (siva-bhakti-da), She is an auspicious potency of the Lord (siva-sakti-svarupa), and She enjoys pastimes as the beloved who is half the body of the auspicious Lord (sivardhanga-viharini).
Text 125 sirisa-kusumamoda sirisa-kusumojjvala sirisa-mrdhvi sairisi sirisa-kusumakrtih
She is fragrant as a sirisa flower (sirisa-kusumamoda), splendid as a sirisa flower (sirisa-kusumojjvala), soft as a sirisa flower (sirisa-mrdhvi), glorious as a sirisa flower (sairisi), and beautiful as a sirisa flower (sirisa-kusumakrti).
Text 126 vamanga-harini visnoh siva-bhakti-sukhanvita vijita vijitamoda gagana gana-tosita
She stays at Lord Visnu's left side (vamanga-harini visnoh), She is filled with the auspicious happiness of devotional service (siva-bhakti-sukhanvita), She is defeated by Lord Krsna (vijita), She is fragrant (vijitamoda), She is the spiritual sky (gagana), and She is pleased by Her companions (gana-tosita).
Text 127 hayasya heramba-suta gana-mata sukhesvari duhkha-hantri duhkha-hara sevitepsita-sarvada
She is Lord Hayagriva's beloved (hayasya), Heramba's daughter (heramba-suta), the demigods' mother (gana-mata), the queen of happiness (sukhesvari), the destroyer of sufferings (duhkha-hantri and duhkha-hara), and the goddess who grants everything Her servants wish (sevitepsita-sarvada).
Text 128 sarvajnatva-vidhatri ca kula-ksetra-nivasini lavanga pandava-sakhi sakhi-madhya-nivasini
She gives omniscience (sarvajnatva-vidhatri). She stays in Her family's place (kula-ksetra-nivasini). She is a lavanga flower (lavanga). She is the Pandavas' friend (pandava-sakhi). She stays with Her friends (sakhi-madhya-nivasini).
Text 129 gramya gita gaya gamya gamanatita-nirbhara sarvanga-sundari ganga ganga-jalamayi tatha
She stays in the village of Vraja (gramya). She is glorified in song (gita). She is the holy city of Gaya (gaya). She is approached by the devotees (gamya). She cannot be approached by non-devotees (gamanatita-nirbhara). All Her limbs are very beautiful (sarvanga-sundari). She is the Ganges (ganga and ganga-jalamayi).
Text 130 gangerita puta-gatra pavitra-kula-dipika pavitra-guna-siladhya pavitrananda-dayini
She is said to be the Ganges (gangerita). Her body is pure and transcendental (puta-gatra). She is a lamp shining in a pure family (pavitra-kula-dipika). She is rich with pure virtues and noble character (pavitra-guna-siladhya). She gives pure transcendental bliss (pavitrananda-dayini).
Text 131 pavitra-guna-simadhya pavitra-kula-dipani kampamana kamsa-hara vindhyacala-nivasini
She is rich with the most exalted pure virtues (pavitra-guna-simadhya). She is a lamp shining in a pure family (pavitra-kula-dipani). She trembles (kampamana). She is the beloved of He who killed Kamsa (kamsa-hara). She has a home in the Vindhya Hills (vindhyacala-nivasini).
Text 132 govardhanesvari govar- dhana-hasya hayakrtih minavatara minesi gaganesi haya gaji
She is the queen of Govardhana Hill (govardhanesvari). She smiles on Govardhana Hill (govardhana-hasya). She is Lord Haragriva's beloved (hayakrti and haya) and Lord Matsya's beloved (minavatara and minesi). She is the queen of the spiritual sky (gaganesi). She is an amorous girl (gaji).
Text 133 harini harini hara- dharini kanakakrtih vidyut-prabha vipra-mata gopa-mata gayesvari
She is beautiful as a doe (harini). She is captivating (harini). She wears a beautiful necklace (hara-dharini). Her form is golden (kanakakrti). She is splendid as lightning (vidyut-prabha). She is the mother of the brahmanas (vipra-mata), the mother of the gopas (gopa-mata). and the queen of Gaya (gayesvari).
Text 134 gavesvari gavesi ca gavisi gavi-vasini gati-jna gita-kusala danujendra-nivarini
She is the queen of the surabhi cows (gavesvari, gavesi, and gavisi). She lives in the cowherd village of Vraja (gavi-vasini). She knows the real goal of life (gati-jna). Her glories are sung in beautiful songs (gita-kusala). She stopped the king of the demons (danujendra-nivarini).
Text 135 nirvana-datri nairvani hetu-yukta gayottara parvatadhinivasa ca nivasa-kusala tatha
She gives liberation (nirvana-datri). She is liberated (nairvani). She is an expert logician (hetu-yukta). She is the queen of Gaya (gayottara). She lives on a mountain (parvatadhinivasa). She brings beauty and auspiciousness to Her home (nivasa-kusala).
Text 136 sannyasa-dharma-kusala sannyasesi saran-mukhi sarac-candra-mukhi syama- hara ksetra-nivasini
She is beautiful with renunciation (sannyasa-dharma-kusala). She is the queen of renunciation (sannyasis (sannyasesi). Her face is like autumn (saran-mukhi). Her face is an autumn moon (sarac-candra-mukhi). She is a necklace worn by Lord Krsna (syama-hara). She lives in a sacred place (ksetra-nivasini).
Text 137 vasanta-raga-samraga vasanta-vasanakrtih catur-bhuja sad-bhuja dvi-bhuja gaura-vigraha
The melodies of vasanta-raga fill Her with amorous desires (vasanta-raga-samraga). Her form is filled with the desires of spring (vasanta-vasanakrti). Sometimes She has four arms (catur-bhuja), and sometimes six arms (sad-bhuja). She has two arms (dvi-bhuja) and Her complexion is fair (gaura-vigraha).
Text 138 sahasrasya vihasya ca mudrasya mada-dayini prana-priya prana-rupa prana-rupiny apavrta
She is the beloved of thousand-headed Lord Ananta Sesa (sahasrasya). She laughs (vihasya). Her face is very expressive (mudrasya). She fills Lord Krsna with amorous passion (mada-dayini). She is more dear to Him than life (prana-priya, prana-rupa, and prana-rupini). She appears before Her devotees (apavrta).
Text 139 krsna-prita krsna-rata krsna-tosana-tat-para krsna-prema-rata krsna- bhakta bhakta-phala-prada
She pleases Lord Krsna (krsna-prita and krsna-rata). She is devoted to pleasing Lord Krsna (krsna-tosana-tat-para). She loves Lord Krsna (krsna-prema-rata and krsna-bhakta). She gives Her devotees the fruits of their service (bhakta-phala-prada).
Text 140 krsna-prema prema-bhakta hari-bhakti-pradayini caitanya-rupa caitanya- priya caitanya-rupini
She loves Krsna (krsna-prema and prema-bhakta). She gives others devotion to Lord Krsna (hari-bhakti-pradayini). She is present in the form of Lord Caitanya (caitanya-rupa and caitanya-rupini). She is dear to Lord Caitanya (caitanya-priya).
Text 141 ugra-rupa siva-kroda krsna-kroda jalodari mahodari maha-durga- kantara-sustha-vasini
She manifests the terrible form of Durga-devi (ugra-rupa), where She sits on Lord Siva's lap (siva-kroda). She sits on Lord Krsna's lap (krsna-kroda). She rests on the milk-ocean (jalodari). She descends to the material world (mahodari). She happily lives in a great forest that is like an unapproachable fortress (maha-durga-kantara-sustha-vasini).
Text 142 candravali candra-kesi candra-prema-tarangini samudra-mathanodbhuta samudra-jala-vasini
She is glorious as a host of moons (candravali and candra-kesi). She is an ocean the moon of Sri Krsna fills with waves of love (candra-prema-tarangini). She was born from the churning of the milk-ocean (samudra-mathanodbhuta) and She resides on the ocean of milk (samudra-jala-vasini).
Text 143 samudramrta-rupa ca samudra-jala-vasika kesa-pasa-rata nidra ksudha prema-tarangika
Her form is an ocean of nectar (samudramrta-rupa). She resides on the milk-ocean (samudra-jala-vasika). She carefully braids Her hair (kesa-pasa-rata). She is sleep (nidra), hunger (ksudha), and an ocean filled with waves of love (prema-tarangika).
Text 144 durva-dala-syama-tanur durva-dala-tanu-ccbavih nagara nagari-raga nagarananda-karini
Her form is glorious as a blade of durva grass (durva-dala-syama-tanu and durva-dala-tanu-ccbavi). She is hero Krsna's beloved (nagara). She is His passionate heroine (nagari-raga). She delights the hero Krsna (nagarananda-karini).
Text 145 nagaralingana-para nagarangana-mangala ucca-nica haimavati priya krsna-taranga-da
She earnestly embraces the hero Krsna (nagaralingana-para). She is happy to embrace the hero Krsna (nagarangana-mangala). She is very humble (ucca-nica). She is Goddess Parvati (haimavati). She is Lord Krsna's beloved (priya). She is an ocean filled with waves of love for Lord Krsna (krsna-taranga-da).
Text 146 premalingana-siddhangi siddha sadhya-vilasika mangalamoda-janani mekhalamoda-dharini
Her body is expert at lovingly embracing Lord Krsna (premalingana-siddhangi). She is perfect (siddha). She enjoys transcendental pastimes (sadhya-vilasika). She is the mother of auspiciousness and bliss (mangalamoda-janani). She wears a glorious belt and is scented with a sweet fragrance (mekhalamoda-dharini).
Text 147 ratna-manjira-bhusangi ratna-bhusana-bhusana jambala-malika krsna- prana prana-vimocana
Her limbs are decorated with tinkling jewel ornaments (ratna-manjira-bhusangi). She is the ornament that decorates Her jewel ornaments (ratna-bhusana-bhusana). She wears a garland of ketaki flowers (jambala-malika). Lord Krsna is Her life-breath (krsna-prana). She has surrendered Her life to Lord Krsna (prana-vimocana).
Text 148 satya-prada satyavati sevakananda-dayika jagad-yonir jagad-bija vicitra-mani-bhusana
She is truthful (satya-prada and satyavati). She gives the bliss of devotional service (sevakananda-dayika). She is the mother of the universe (jagad-yoni and jagad-bija). She is decorated with wonderful and colorful jewels (vicitra-mani-bhusana).
Text 149 radha-ramana-kanta ca radhya radhana-rupini kailasa-vasini krsna- prana-sarvasva-dayini
She is the beloved of Lord Radharamana (radha-ramana-kanta), the perfect object of worship (radhya), and the personification of devotional service (radhana-rupini). She resides on Kailasa Hill (kailasa-vasini). She has dedicated Her life and everything She has to Lord Krsna (krsna-prana-sarvasva-dayini).
Text 150 krsnavatara-nirata krsna-bhakta-phalarthini yacakayacakananda- karini yacakojjvala
She devotedly serves Lord Krsna's incarnations (krsnavatara-nirata). She gives Lord Krsna's devotees the fruits of their services (krsna-bhakta-phalarthini) and whether they ask for it or not She gives them transcendental bliss (yacakayacakananda-karini). She gloriously appears before they who offer prayers to Her (yacakojjvala).
Text 151 hari-bhusana-bhusadhya- nanda-yuktardra-pada-ga hai-hai-tala-dhara thai-thai- sabda-sakti-prakasini
She is decorated with ornaments that decorate Lord Hari's ornaments (hari-bhusana-bhusadhya). She is blissful (ananda-yukta). She is half of Lord Lord Krsna (ardra-pada-ga). She expertly beats the rhythm hai hai (hai-hai-tala-dhara) and the rhythm thai thai (thai-thai-sabda-sakti-prakasini).
Text 152 he-he-sabda-svarupa ca hi-hi-vakya-visarada jagad-ananda-kartri ca sandrananda-visarada
She expertly sings "Oh! Oh!" (he-he-sabda-svarupa and hi-hi-vakya-visarada). She fills the world with bliss (jagad-ananda-kartri). She is expert at enjoying intense transcendental bliss (sandrananda-visarada).
Text 153 pandita pandita-guna panditananda-karini paripalana-kartri ca tatha sthiti-vinodini
She is wise and learned (pandita). She has the virtues of the wise (pandita-guna). She delights the wise (panditananda-karini). She protects the devotees (paripalana-kartri). She enjoys transcendental pastimes in Her home (sthiti-vinodini).
Text 154 tatha samhara-sabdadhya vidvaj-jana-manohara vidusam priti-janani vidvat-prema-vivardhini
She is eloquent (samhara-sabdadhya). She enchants the wise (vidvaj-jana-manohara). She is the mother of happiness for the wise (vidusam priti-janani). She increases the love the wise feel for Lord Krsna (vidvat-prema-vivardhini).
Text 155 nadesi nada-rupa ca nada-bindu-vidharini sunya-sthana-sthita sunya- rupa-padapa-vasini
She is the queen of words (nadesi). She is eloquent words personified (nada-rupa). She concisely speaks a droplet of words (nada-bindu-vidharini). She stays in a place far beyond the material realm (sunya-sthana-sthita). She stays under a tree far beyond the material realm (sunya- rupa-padapa-vasini).
Text 156 karttika-vrata-kartri ca vasana-harini tatha jala-saya jala-tala sila-tala-nivasini
She performs the vow of Karttika-vrata (karttika-vrata-kartri). She takes away material desires (vasana-harini). She resides on the milk-ocean (jala-saya and jala-tala) and on a hill (sila-tala-nivasini).
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