Who can wear gemstones --The ancient sages of India discovered that there are ways to counter the harmful effects of the stars. They believed that the best remedial agents, better than herbs, and even better than metals, are flawless (or as flawless as possible) gemstones of not less than 2 carats.
BEST GEMSTONES -Vedic astrology centers on nine principal gemstones: diamond, emerald, ruby, yellow sapphire, blue sapphire, chrysoberyl cats-eye, hessonite garnet, blood coral and pearl.

Ruby (Manimya)
Ruby is said to give name, fame, virtue, vigor, warmth and commanding power to its user. It also enhances the status of a person. Normally red in color, it helps to cure peptic ulcer, fever, rheumatism, gout. Ladies should avoid the use of Ruby as it can destroy the body luster. Ruby should be used in Gold.