Life lessons

Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you .

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Relationship In danger ?


                      !! Wife And their Rules !!

Most of the Male always look for loving , caring and trust

Worthy partner in their life . Few people are lucky enough to

have supportive and loving  partner . A man is most of time

dedicated toward their family . When a person enter in his

house he wanted to be free from all work stress of the day .

Most of the wife are supportive but many wives set their own

Rules and husband can cry or in anger and it can lead him

toward some bad path in life . Feminine power is always strong

and one should respect and value it for better growth in life .

Wife set some rules and try to rule the independence of partner

Which leads a man in anger , or dissatisfaction in this way

Relationship start destroying and leads to separation . Giving a

female partner love , care and support she needs is a sign of

better life and your house becomes like heaven . Every body is

not lucky in this Area so it is needed to check your partners

astrological compatibility to over come problems and make a

relationship loving trust worthy and in this way male and

 female side both start loving each other and their life is like

heaven here on Planet Mother earth . Always check your astrological

 compatibility to know about each other inside and outside .


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Loving husband and their problems


                        Caring Husband  

once someone enters in Love relationship or marriage

so there is excitement and enthusiasm to knowing about

partner . sometimes it takes long time for husband to know

likes and dislikes of partner . most of time loving husband crush

a lot him self to give plenty of happiness to his family . This is

not always possible to any one to please their partner . Good

husbands care for family a lot and they are very responsible

enough . Few gentleman I have seen taking care in kitchen and

other house responsibilities like cleaning their houses and doing

other activities at in their house . But I have seen a lots of

Relationships goes in down fall and problems and distrust with

Each other and so many doubts . It happens because of Bad

Compatibility . You should check your astrological compatibility

with your Partner to make your life loving and happy for long

term . Compatibility check tells about a lots of things about your

partner .

Friday, November 6, 2020

Born to be a Rich or Poor in life


           Do You want to Attract wealth ?

All  in life wanted to be wealthy , Yes therefor we all work for

Money and wealth . But every one is not lucky . Vedic natal chart

Predicts well about your wealth in life . Second house of natal chart is

Very important to see sign of wealth in individual life with the position

And placement of Ascendant in your kundali .

Some people are lucky to born in wealthy family and they carry it as

Their inheritance . Few of us are not lucky and born in poor family and

Struggle in life for wealth . This happens due to negative influence of

Planets and other factor is the karma which influence our life . To born

In poor family is not a bad thing but I feel to die as a poor man is not

Good in my idea . If you are wealthy so you should maintain it and try

To be associated with human life good causes . If someone is not so

Lucky in money and wealth keep working . Look in to your second

House of natal chart if this is malefic in influence you can reduce its

influence through remedial measures in vedic astrology . Keep doing

your hard and one time in life you will not be the same . Struggle and

failures are sign of BIG change in your life .

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Which Is your Lucky Number ?

!! Namastey !!

                     Your Lucky Number

Numbers represents a lot about our personality and behavior

And so many other signs about the events in life .

I am sharing few numbers here in this post and you can look for

Your number – what Numbers predict about your self ? 

Number 1- This is considered Number of planet Sun .

If you are Born on 1-10-19-28 Of any months . It shows that you

Are creative ,strong and stubborn in few life matters .. 

Number 2 – Number 2 are creative as well and they are very

Good in maintaining love relationship and other friendship .

They are enthusiastic as well to open up with friend with new ideas . 

So in this way all numbers have few influence in our life .

What Are you Searching For ?

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